Zu viel Saft

Ich habe mich unter anderem wegen Bedenken bezüglich des Stromverbrauchs im letzten September von meiner Xbox One getrennt. Offenbar waren meine Befürchtungen noch nicht einmal aus der Luft gegriffen, wie Polygon berichtet:

Here's the problem. In default, your Xbox One is never really "off." It is waiting for you to wander by and say the words "Xbox On." When it hears those words, it switches itself on. The energy consumed in that waiting draws 12.5 W of standby power continuously.

12,5 Watt im Standby? Mein NAS zieht unter Vollast gerade einmal 17!

[…] But although Microsoft has reduced its standby mode usage from 18 W to 12.5 W, it has ignored requests to go further.

Na immerhin, aber trotzdem eine Menge.

"While it's true that the Xbox One is capable of only drawing 1/2 watt of power in standby mode, the reality is very few of the installed consoles ever get down that low," he said. "Why? It's because Microsoft insists on shipping their consoles with the 'instant on' feature enabled and fails to offer users the 'energy-saving' feature during initial set-up, which means the device will instead draw 12.5 W of standby power continuously.

"Instant On" ist tatsächlich ein tolles Feature, aber ich würde für den eher minimalen Komfortgewinn keine derartig krasse Stromverschwendung hinnehmen. Strom wird ja leider auch nicht günstiger.